7/51 – The Three Caballeros

We are embarking on this great experiment of watching all 51 Walt Disney Studio Animated Features before the 52nd, Wreck it Ralph, is released this fall.  Our last installment was Saludos Amigos.  As we watch, we’ll make note of our thoughts or comments, write them down, and post them after. Aaron’s comments are in blue.  Whtiney’s comments are in this pinkish hue.  Anything in black is a quote or will help reference what was on the screen at the time.

Feature: The Three Caballeros
Release: 1945 (USA Premiere)
Viewing: “Classic Caballero Collection” DVD

I’ve never seen this one either.

What does “caballeros” mean in spainish?

I don’t know…a quick google search says “knight” or “gentlemen”

So, it’s Donald’s birthday…

On Friday the 13th!

And he gets three presents.

Strange birds?

So educational…

That’s the Winnie the Pooh voice!


I like how they make penguins look so fun here but then in March of the Penguins they are shown dying…back then we see these penguins eating and having happy lives.

So weird.

I’m not sure what Antarctica…

I know – has to do with South America?

The penguin’s name is Pablo?

Oh he’s going to the Galapagos islands.  Are there penguins there?  Wait – now he’s passing Chile.  Maybe he’s just travelling around to teach us about South America.

I just don’t understand this movie.  It seems like people were so excited about Disney movies and that this one would be kind of a let down.

Happy Feet can swim; so can you!  (As the penguin’s tub-boat sinks…)

The Galapagos islands.

That doesn’t make any sense.  That quote: “That’s human nature for you.  Even if you’re a penguin.”

Ah.  I guess making love didn’t mean the same thing back then… (After the narrator says that the toucans have a hard time making love because of their big beaks)

Ooh.  Flamingos!

Remember when we watched that Disney flamingo thing…except for that one that died…because of the salt around his legs.  IS THIS ALL ABOUT BIRDS?!  I’m not enjoying this movie very much.

We said we were going to do every movie.

I can have an opinion about it right? And I like some better than others. And this one will probably be my least favorite.  Well, maybe.

They are trying to make it funny I guess.

I guess.  What? Is that?  A flying donkey?  He looks like the thing from Fantasia.  And like Small One.  (Explanation by Aaron: “Small One” is a Disney animated short set in Bethlehem on the eve of Christ’s birth.  A boy must sell his donkey, named Small One.  After some offers from people who do not see the value in such a small donkey, one pair of travelers from Nazareth happen upon him and offer to buy Small One.  It’s a great animated short for Christmas time.)

Awe.  Why did you bring that up?  It’s too sad.

It’s so good.

It’s too sad.

I hope that people didn’t think there were really flying donkeys in South America if they didn’t know anything about it from seeing this movie…

A flying, whistling burrito…wait…burro..

No, he called it a burrito a minute ago.  Maybe it means like a small donkey…

No…I think that was a joke.

It said at the beginning of this the goucho was going to sing us a song.

What is a goucho?

Like a cowboy.

How do you spell goucho?

Like couch – o with a g…like nacho… (That’s incorrect.  It’s “gaucho”)

What?  No.

See he did say Burrito!

Did he say Dorito?

No!  He said Gouchito. (Again…”gauchito”)

They all end in “o”.

Oh goodness…it’s like Dumbo.

If I was Donald Duck, and I got that for my birthday…I would be upset.  And the cowboy never sang.

Second present.

A dancing parrot.

That’s Joe.  He was in Saludos Amigos.

I must have fallen asleep during that part.

You did.

So far this movie hasn’t made me want to visit there.  Was that the point?

I don’t know if that was the point.

I liked him in Saludos Amigos.  He was my favorite part.

What did he do?

He sang a song.

You’re yawning already.

Not from being tired.  It’s pretty colors.

Do you remember the ride at Epcot, that has all three of them?

Yes.  That was probably my least favorite ride of all the rides on our vacation.

Oh goodness.

What was that other stupid ride at Epcot on that side?  I feel like there was one.

There was one in Norway.

We got Fast Passes for it and never rode it.  It was like pirates or something…



Disney changed it’s Fast Pass policy.

Worse, or better?


What’s the new one?

You have to go back in the specified time.

That’s not bad

Yes it is. Because before… (lengthy fast pass discussion…link to this article instead…)

What? They are in a book?

It’s gonna get weird.

What do you mean?  Cookies?  What do you mean it’s going to get weird?  Oh.  (live action singer with animated backgrouds…) Ach..

It looks awful.  It’s like they filmed her in front of a screen.  They probably had to.  It was the 40’s after all.

Why do they need real people in this movie?  Is the only movie with real people in it?

No.  Fun and Fancy Free has people introducing the stories. And so did the last one.

Which one?  Fantasia?

Well that did too..but I meant Saludos Amigos.

Why is this is a big deal?  Was this the first time this had been done?  What’s the big deal?


Was it before or after Mary Poppins?

Way before.

Why are there more people….?

You are asking so many questions!

 I just…ach…this is the worst one.

I can’t type as fast as you are talking.

You don’t have to write down everything.

Just stop talking for a second…

Okay.  All caught up sort of.

Yeah…oh goodness.  I just don’t know about this movie…

Look.  Dancing instruments and shakers…and craziness…isn’t that entertaining to you?

Purple people.  Ah….I don’t like this movie.

You are on the phone.  You aren’t even watching.

You’re on the computer.

What?!  I’m typing.  I’m looking at the tv.

Well…this movie is weird.  I’m trying to stay awake.  How can you blame me?

He has one more present.

That sounded like rapping.

This is so bizarre.

Yeah.  I just can’t take it.

The present is Mexico!  Are you excited?

Mmhmm…yay…Mexico.  Penny was excited too…wait, no.  She thought the movie was over.  They have instruments in Mexico!

Are you being sarcastic?


The third caballero.

I don’t know his name.

Didn’t they say at the beginning.  Isn’t it Panchito?

Yes.  That’s right.

“Now we’re three gay caballeros!”


Singing – “we’re three gay caballeros”

Oh – how times have changed.  That word is just changed for everyone.

What are they trying to kill him for?

They are trying to get him to stop singing.

A piñata.

The staple at birthday parties for generations.  I  never had a piñata at my birthday party.  Did you?

No…wait!  Patrick and Vesal brought me one that one time.


They are starting to get angry.  An angry mob of children…now they are happy.  Too happy.  Scary happy.

I like how none of that was animation really.  Just pictures.

Seems like a lot of trouble.


Having a piñata at a birthday party.  You have to watch out for people not get hurt…and if you don’t have a tree…like we don’t have a tree…

(Panchito explains the flag of Mexico, and the legend of Mexico City)

See that was educational.

Well I didn’t know that.  Unless they made it up.

I don’t think they made it up.

What?! (As they ride a magic carpet…)

Oh.  Aladdin!  That would be more fun right now.

So in the piñata was the book about Mexico?

Yeah.  What kid would want to get that if it was really in a piñata?  Well – I might would pick that before I would pick this movie if it fell out…If there was like a list rating them 1 to 51 this would have to be the last one or in the last five.

How do we start with penguins and end with this?

I don’t know.

“Pretend you’re dancing with a duck in a sailor outfit…”  

“Pretend you’re playing an instrument with Mexico birds…” 

“No se…”

She gets to be the star of the show.  Other girls probably hated her.

“Wave to a flying poncho…”

I’ve been there.  Acalpulco.

Good.  Oh goodness.  Scandalous.

Donald can pick up all the chicks.

What’s that audition like?  What would the director say?

“Run from three *twitterpated* birds”  (Except she didn’t say twitterpated.  Twitterpated as you know is the word from Bambi when the animals were falling in love at spring time. She use an adjective used to often describe dragons or toads.)

I can’t type that.  What should I write?

Twitterpated I guess.

That was a good answer.

“Flirt with Donald Duck in a swim suit.”

I wonder what was really falling into the blanket.

I was just wondering that too.

Where did that random little boy come from?

I don’t know.

“I gotta bring Johnny to work with me today…

….so can he be in the movie?”

We already had a song about Mexico City.

I hope it doesn’t sink back into the water one day.

Who’s that neon-constellation lady?

Why are all those arrows pointing at her?

I don’t know it makes her kind of scary looking.

This is like the cheapest animation ever from Disney.

Well – this was when they couldn’t afford to do much, right?



How long is it?

Like one hour and six minutes.

Almost done then.  This movie is so weird.

That is so creepy!  (Animated flower with live action head…singining…)

Ahh….I don’t like this movie…

Why are those women blindfolded?!  What is this?!

Do we have like a copy someone messed with?  Why do they keep bringing back flower lady?

Inaudible voice in the movie…

Are they saying “booty girls”?

That’s what it sounded like!

I would rather watch that stupid cat movie that Chad made us watch. (Referring to “Cat’s Don’t Dance”)

You know people watch Alice in Wonderland and are like “they must have been high when they mad this movie”.  This one is way more trippy.

They must have spent all their money on drugs.

A gouchita. 

Is that even a word?

No.  I made it up.  But I thought it sounded like girl cowboy.

A girl cowboy?!  Can we just say “cow girl”?

If you don’t want to type girl cowboy.  I guess.

Okay see, the mailman in Bensen’s neighborhood is a lady.  But I feel like I’m confusing him so much.  I guess you are supposed to say mail person instead.  Like firefighter, or police officer.  I don’t know what’s politically correct in that situation.  Cow girl? Cow boy?

Cow person?

I don’t know what you call them to be generic about it.  Cow-?  Cow-?  I don’t know.  Cow human?

This has got to be almost over.  I thought we were done with the blind-folded girls.

Fin.  Fin.  The end.

(We both sigh a sigh of relief.)

6/51 – Saludos Amigos

We are embarking on this great experiment of watching all 51 Walt Disney Studio Animated Features before the 52nd, Wreck it Ralph, is released this fall.  Our last installment was Bambi.  As we watch, we’ll make note of our thoughts or comments, write them down, and post them after. Aaron’s comments are in blue.  Whtiney’s comments are in this pinkish hue.  Anything in black is a quote or will help reference what was on the screen at the time.

Feature: Saludos Amigos
Release: 1943 (USA Premiere)
Viewing: “Classic Caballero Collection” DVD

What does Saludos Amigos mean?

Hello friends!

Why didn’t they just say Hola Amigos?

It means “greetings friends!”

When did they start having credits at the end of movies?

I don’t know.

“What is Lake Titicaca?”  From Groundhog Day.

It’s animated and not animated?


Were kids supposed to like this?

I guess.  It was a movie that was made to build relationships between the US and Mexico and other southern countries.  Before then there wasn’t really anything.

Who’s narrating it?

I don’t know.

Is it Walt Disney?


Look.  Kuzco.  (Llama drawings on screen)

This is Donald Duck’s first time on the big screen.  Well, in a feature I mean.

Oh.  I like him.

I want to learn how to play the pan flute.  It’s true.  I do.


I don’t know what to say during this little movie.

What do you mean?  Is it too bizarre?

It’s like they are trying to make a documentary fun?

Yeah, sort of I guess.

I like Donald Duck though.

Is that him?


Walt Disney?


I wonder if they went back and watched this movie to make that new Pixar movie – Planes that’s coming out.

I’m sure they didn’t.

Does it really have a face on it (the mountain)?

I have no idea.  I doubt it.  But maybe.  I suppose you’d have to go back and watch the Walt and El Grupo documentary.  It was on Netflix for a little while but I don’t think it is anymore.

Oh Pedro the plane.  Nobody remembers you.

I never even knew about him.

Oh no.  He lost the mail.

Oh goodness.  You’re stuck on a rock!  (To Pedro…on the tv…)

He’s out of gas.

Does he die?

I don’t think they can kill a baby plane.

See.  He brought the mail.  Wow.  What a great plot.

Are you being sarcastic?

Ooh.  Buenos Aires.

So random.

No, no.  Not really.  You’re talking of South America.

There’s Walt Disney right?


He’s smoking!

Well he can.  He’s not Goofy.

What’s that white girl doing there (dancing)?

Learning how to I guess.

Wow.  I like seeing them draw.

They can just draw it.  Just like that.

There’s Goofy.

Is this his first time ever?

What do you mean?

Has he been animated before?


This is where it’s edited.  He’s not smoking here.  They just erased the cigar basically.  Because kids can’t see Goofy smoke.

That would be the downfall of a hero.

My phone’s ringing.

Who’s calling you at 11pm at night?

Can we eat like that?


Aw.  Poor bird.

I don’t think that’s really Goofy singing.

It’s not.  Not like in the Goofy Movie at least.

Oh.  Clever.

Oh.  There’s the gag.  (A record player, with Goofy mouthing the words.)

Now to Brazil.  Or Brasil as they spelled it.

Oh goodness.  He’s smoking too.

I wonder if any of these people are still alive and have this movie or if they were excited they were in a Disney movie.  Because not many people are in a Disney (animated) movie.

Watercolor of Brazil.


It’s a fun song.  I have no idea what he’s singing.


Joe.  The parrot.

They are so happy to meet each other.  Are you sleeping over there?


It’s a short movie you shouldn’t fall asleep.

I’m not asleep.

Well Joe is fun.  And you are sleeping.

No. I’m not sleeping.

You’re eyes are closed.

They are open.

No they were not.

Why does he get to smoke and Goofy doesn’t?

Yeah.  That’s not fair.  Maybe it’s like in Pinocchio where it’s not good right here…

Maybe it’s cultural.  I don’t know.

Even though it’s just a drawing I want to go there.


That was Brazil.

I know but…I don’t know.

‘Cause you’re asleep.

Well that was the end.  A very short, short, animated feature.

What did you think?  That was your first time seeing it.

I didn’t like it very much.  Maybe I’ll like the next one better.  Did you like it?

Um.  It was different.

5/51 – Bambi

We are embarking on this great experiment of watching all 51 Walt Disney Studio Animated Features before the 52nd, Wreck it Ralph, is released this fall.  Our last installment was Dumbo.  As we watch, we’ll make note of our thoughts or comments, write them down, and post them after. Aaron’s comments are in blue.  Whtiney’s comments are in this pinkish hue.  Anything in black is a quote or will help reference what was on the screen at the time.

Feature: Bambi
Release: 1942
Viewing: Diamond Edition Blu-ray

(For the first time, typed by Whitney)

These cushions on this side of the couch are so sunk in.

You don’t type that part.

But we were at the menu.

No we weren’t.


Ok, here we go. Let’s go back to 1942? 1?

What if you walked in the woods and there were like, you know, choirs singing? It would probably make it more magical…

Don’t watch me type!

Can you watch, and respond, and type all at the same time?


See how long it took you to say yes?!

The wise old owl.

“Wake up, friend Owl!” I like how they call him friend Owl.

Is he in charge of the forest somehow?

No. He’s not in charge of anything. He’s just been around. He’s smart.

Why is it that the deer are the royalty of the forest?

Um…well…I don’t know.

Bambi. He’s so cute.

That would scare me if an owl jumped in my face.

This is the first Disney movie all about animals so far.

I guess Dumbo did have humans in it. Is that what you mean?


See? The owl is in charge of them I guess.

So I was right.

I wonder what Bambi means?

The book is French I think. I have a copy upstairs.

Of course you do.


Oh I do love Thumper!

You don’t meet many of the fathers.

Bambi’s father!

Oh right.

The squirrel! That was a dad!

What squirrel?

The squirrel that says “Walking already!”

Oh yeah.

Thumper pretty much just states the obvious in the whole movie.


A skunk is like the opposite of a flower. So cute.

That’s not a girl though?

Flower is a boy. It’s very confusing.

And Bambi is a boy and that’s confusing.

I like this song!

Me too!

“Drip drip drop little April showers…”

I wish we got to stop everything when it was raining.

That would be nice.

Oh and then it turns not happy anymore. With the lightning and such.



That’s pretty. (reflection of the sunset in the pond)


I like Bambi’s voice.

He sounds a little bit like Pinocchio, don’t you think?

No…maybe a little.

She tells him that the meadow is like the most wonderful place ever, and then they get there, and she acts like the meadow is the scariest place ever.

It’s like ocean. It’s pretty and fun, but it’s dangerous too.

I guess you’re right.

Oh I like this part.

Look at Thumper’s face. So funny.

What’s her name?


Feline. She gets on my nerves. She just laughs. That high-pitched squeally laugh.

I wouldn’t want to be her friend.

She turns out ok.

She’s just flirting with him.

It’s annoying. See how annoyed he is?

She gets hers. And now they’re having fun.

Bambi’s daddy.

He has more points on his antlers than all of the other ones, you know?

He’s lived longer.

He didn’t say anything to Bambi.


I wonder how she got him?

Well, how is he the Great Prince of the forest and Bambi is the prince?

He’s the Great Prince.

Well who’s the king?! That’s my question.

This music is so ominous. When man enters the forest.

It’s illegal to shoot fawns though, right?

Yeah. I think. Are you really asking me a hunting question? I’m sure it is though.

Now it’s fall.

There’s those two leaves that there was that deleted scene about!

They both die?


And now winter.

See…there he goes showing off again. That Thumper.

That would be fun. Ice skating.

We went ice skating. And you complained the whole time.

I meant with a deer! And a rabbit.

I want to sleep all winter!

I know!

That would be so cozy!

Aw…no food.

Oh no!

Ominous music.

I don’t like this part.

Why doesn’t she just run right away?!

Why were they so far away from the edge?!

Poor Bambi.

They were just enjoying delightful spring grass, and now it is a blizzard again.


I’m sad.

What if you went to go see this in 40s with your mom and you got home and your dad was like “I killed a deer today!”

That would be awful!

Do you think hunting decreased that year?

It did!

You know that?

Yes. It was either that year or one of the years it was re-released.

Spring again.

Has a whole extra year passed?

I don’t know how fast deer grow up.

Twitterpated! I’m not gonna get twitterpated!

You’re not?!

Ok…maybe to you.

It is one word?


What did Grumpy say again? About women?

They’re full of wicked wiles! See how that rabbit is seducing Thumper?! With her song and dance? She’s like a siren.

A what?

A siren! Like from Homer’s Odyssey!

*Blank stare*

Oh goodness.

This part’s weird. The dancing in the clouds all of a sudden.


Oh…they are walking on air. Like Friend Owl said they would.


Uh oh. Here comes trouble.

He’s older than Bambi. He has more horns on his head. Points I mean.

He’s scary.

I love the way this is animated though! It’s drawn so cool!

He won her.

Nature’s confetti.

Now it’s fall again?

I guess so.

What’s he doing?

He hears something or smells something.

She thinks she got stood up.

Ominous music again!

Oh no!

Oh goodness. I hate this part! That quail’s gonna die!

I hate man in the forest!

Oh no!

That’s a lot of dogs.

Just a flesh wound. Girls always get you in trouble.

But it’s worth it, right? Right?

You mean worth getting shot?

I don’t know…the trouble?



He got up! Don’t fret!

His dad saved him!

Uh huh.

The whole forest is going to burn down! It’s awful!

Then Smokey the Bear came to save them though.

Something like that.

I guess we don’t really know if the hunters escaped.

I hope they didn’t.

That’s so mean!

Skipping to the end now…


They’re twins!

So now there’s the Great Prince, and Prince Bambi…what are the new ones?

More princes I guess.

Maybe one’s a girl!

Well, then a princess! I don’t know.

The end.

4/51 – Dumbo

We are embarking on this great experiment of watching all 51 Walt Disney Studio Animated Features before the 52nd, Wreck it Ralph, is released this fall.  Our last installment was Fantasia.  As we watch, we’ll make note of our thoughts or comments, write them down, and post them after. Aaron’s comments are in blue.  Whtiney’s comments are in this pinkish hue.  Anything in black is a quote or will help reference what was on the screen at the time.

Feature: Dumbo
Release: 1941
Viewing: 70th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray

Okay here we go.

Here we go!  I didn’t really say that with like…excitement.  I mean, I am excited.  But I didn’t say, “here we go!” with an exclamation point in my head.

I think my mom must have fast forwarded credits for me when I was little.  I don’t remember any of them being so long.

Oh – I like this song.  (Look Out for Mr. Stork) I think parts of this song are lost on children.

Yeah.  Awe…the babies…

I like this one.  (Hippo baby)

If only it were that easy.  Just have a baby fall from the sky.

Oh.  She (Dumbo’s mom) wants a baby too.

She had such a sad face.

Choo-choo!  That one I did say with an exclamation point.

Do you think the hippos in the circus really get water in their train car?

I don’t know.

She’s so sad.

I haven’t seen any hippos in the circus.

I don’t like that guy.  (Ringmaster guy)

(Whitney makes train noises….during Casey Jr. song…)

That’s a fun song.  “Time for lemonade and cracker jack.”

You don’t understand the songs when you’re a kid.

She’s so mean (you know who..that mean elephant lady.)

Open him! (When Mrs. Jumbo gets her stork package…)

I never knew that Jumbo Jr. was his name.  How does he get Dumbo as a name?

They give it to him as a joke.

Don’t you mess with that baby or mama Jumbo will lay the smack down!

Oh.  I love Dumbo.

I never really understood what the train was saying when I was a kid.

I don’t like when they make the elephants set up the circus.  Do they really make elephants set up the circus?


I can’t really understand what they are saying in this song.

That’s like animal labor.  Poor elephants.

The circus was not this cool when we went.

Yeah – they don’t do parades when the circus comes to town anymore.

I hate clowns.

You don’t hate them.

They scare me a little bit.

Oh no.  Poor Dumbo.

His mom loves him.

Stupid boy.  That mama is going to get mad at you.

No!  (When Mrs. Jumbo gets whipped for spanking the boy.)

Her eyes weren’t red before.

She’s angry.

Are you crying?

I’m so upset.

That is so mean.  (When the elephants are gossiping about Mrs. Jumbo.)

They are so awful.  He just needs his mom.

Does Dumbo talk in this movie?  He doesn’t talk does he?

No. I don’t think so.  He’s just a baby.

What’s his name?

The mouse?  I don’t remember.

Me either.

Did he say 17 elephants?

I don’t know.

Are they all going to balance on that ball?  That’s so weird.

This isn’t really a pyramid.  It’s more of a tower.

Oh no.

It serves them all right though. (As the elephants tumble to the ground.)

What’s with all the hats from the crowd?

Why does she call Dumbo an assassin?

I don’t know.  She’s so mean.

He waves his little flag still.

I like how being a clown is punishment for Dumbo.

I told you.

They (old elephants) are awful.

They really are mean.  They are a Disney villain no one thinks about.  But they really are mean.

Do they get a punishment?

I don’t remember.

That’s mean too.  (As the clowns splash water in Dumbo’s face.)

They are so mean.  He’s just a baby.

That was a cross-dressing clown.

Are you crying again?

Well…I didn’t remember all of these parts.

Are you going to fall apart during the song?

See how happy he is to go see his mom?!

Oh no… (Whitney crying…)

It is sad.

It’s more of a zoo than a circus.

You’re right.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen hyenas in a circus.

Or ostriches.

Why does he have to leave her already?

Elephants do have feelings.  Maybe that’s why I hate clowns.  Because of this movie.

They were being made fun of in this movie.  That’s why the clown said, “elephants are made of rubber.”

No!  There’s champagne in that.

Alcohol for minors is illegal.

Why is it that in cartoons, being drunk just means you have hiccups and you walk funny?

Oh no.  Crying does give you hiccups.

Crying gives you hiccups?

I just had a hiccup.

Pink elephants on parade!

So weird.

I need to go get a tissue.

This is so bizarre for a Disney movie.  A drunk elephant seeing imaginary pink elephants on parade.

I don’t like this song.

It just has nothing to do with the rest of the movie.

It’s very psychedelic.

Maybe it was supposed to be in Fantasia but they put it in this movie.  So weird.  It went from snow, to salsa dancers, to lightning.

And Egypt.

And cars.

It’s trippy.

It seems like they did drugs.  Not alcohol.  Well, I don’t really know what happens when you do drugs, but…you know.

Now they have a hangover and they don’t know how they got there.

Maybe Dumbo really was the first party movie.  You know?

They can’t go anywhere without getting picked on.

But they teach him how to fly, don’t they?  They give him the feather.

What a great phrase.  “The very things that keep you down are going to take you up, up, up!”

That’s a cute song.  (When I See an Elephant Fly)

“They made him a clown.  Socially he’s washed up!”

I’m glad Dumbo has that mouse as his friend.

We rode on Dumbo at Disney World.

Oh good. I got nervous.  I forgot if he failed on more time.  (When Dumbo flies in the circus tent for the first time.)

Who’s laughing now, clowns!

Oh they do get theirs.  He shoots those old lady elephants with peanuts.

Timothy!  That’s the mouse’s name!

I’m so glad his mom his back with him.

That was a short movie.  He only flies twice.  But that’s all you remember when you are a kid.  That Dumbo is a flying elephant.  It has a run time of an hour and three minutes.

The end.  Any closing thoughts?


3/51 – Fantasia (Part Two)

This is part two of our Fantasia post.  You can read the first part here.

15 Minute Intermission

Does that mean we pause it?  Or is there still stuff on the screen for 15 minutes?

I don’t know.  I don’t remember.

So…I guess we just keep going.

Might as well.

I wonder what they are all saying to each other?

Now a jam session.

The Sound Track (educational segment…)

No one picks the cello.  Or the viola.  It always gets a bad wrap.

He’s picking all the common instruments. What about the bassoon?



He picked the bassoon.


The Pastoral (Symphony) – Beethoven

Are the whales in this one?

What whales?

The whales in the other one…

Oh this one is controversial.

What is it?  Why?

Because originally – you won’t see it in this – but originally they drew African-American type centaurs serving white ones.  Like shining their shoes and everything.  So they’ve edited it out here by zooming on parts and cropping the frames.  You can see it on YouTube probably – the original.


I like how I say all of that and you say, “Unicorns!”


They’re naked!  I can’t believe that.

Well – they aren’t human.  It’s art you know…

Oh my.  This is scandalous.

Aw.  Where’s his girl?

And there’s a lonely lady.

Are they going to match-make them?

I thought Zeus was supposed to be nice.

No…he’s going to have his fun.

He’s going to throw darts at the cute little woodland creatures?


That’s so sad.

Rainbow fairy!

Kind of…

The sun at the end of the dinosaur one looked like that too – before the chariot came in.

What are you doing over there?


What are you doing over there?  You aren’t even watching!

I am.  It’s more listening anyway…

No!  What’s the point then?

Just kidding…I love you.

Dance of the Hours

Is this the last one?

Nope.  It’s a long movie.

Maybe we should finish it tomorrow.

Who do you think is daintier?  The ostriches or the hippos.

The ostriches.  But they could have picked something else if that’s what they were going for.  Like flamingos.  And they are already pink.


Isn’t it funny though?

How sad.  All the elephants were blown away.

Oh no.

It’s the alligators.

I thought they were bats.  Are they going to eat the hippo?


They love her?

He’s in love with her.

They (the ostriches and elephants) were all hiding!

A Night on Bald Mountain / Ave Maria

We end on a high note.  But Bald Mountain is creepy.

I like the glitter fairies the best.  Is that Satan?

Well – a demon.

I don’t like this one!

I’m sorry…

I don’t like this one!  It’s going to give me nightmares.  I don’t like his face.  Maybe we should fast forward to the happy part!


(Ave Maria begins.)

This is the first one that has singing.

It’s a good one to end on.

Look at all that light.


The end.  Did you like it?


The end.  No credits or anything.

3/51 – Fantasia (Part One)

We are embarking on this great experiment of watching all 51 Walt Disney Studio Animated Features before the 52nd, Wreck it Ralph, is released this fall.  Our last installment was Pinocchio.  As we watch, we’ll make note of our thoughts or comments, write them down, and post them after. Aaron’s comments are in blue.  Whtiney’s comments are in this pinkish hue.  Anything in black is a quote or will help reference what was on the screen at the time.

Feature: Fantasia
Release: 1940
Viewing: 60th Anniversary Edition DVD

I’ve never seen this movie.

The idea is that you should feel like you are at a real symphony.  The original plan was to re-release Fantasia every few years with new musical pieces being animated and traded out with older ones.  But that didn’t happen.

I wish we could go to the show at Disney World…the 3D one…

The Philharmagic?



Do you feel like your at the symphony?

Not yet.  I feel like if I was at the symphony I would be in a dress.

We can get dressed up fancy if you want.

No, I’m comfy in my Batman shirt.  Are those real people?


So it’s not animated yet?

Well, they are the musicians.  Then, when they play the musical pieces are animated.  So the idea was that animators would listen to music and then would draw the images that came to mind.  In some cases it would be a story, and in other cases not.

So the music came first?

Yes, all the music is classical music.

So it’s not new?


Does that mean there are no pictures?

There are.  This first one is abstract.  It’s what went on in the animator’s mind.

The Toccata and Fugue in D-Minor – BACH

How did they get to pick the orchestra?  Was there auditions?

I’m sure they picked carefully.

Is he (the conductor) going to be there the whole time?


This first one is really just to introduce you to the whole idea of what the movie is about.

Are those the silhouettes of real people?


You’re yawning already.

It was just a yawn.  It wasn’t a bad yawn because I’m sleepy.  It was just a yawn.  You are determined I’m not going to like this movie.  I’m having fun.

I’m sorry.

I’ll show you.  I’m all the more determined to like it now.

See, it’s like violin bows in clouds.

It looks like rain and birds.  I said it looks like rain and birds.  You aren’t typing anything I’m saying.

When it was in theaters, you would get a program as if you were at a symphony.  And Walt made a new sound system for theaters to use called Fantasound, but it was expensive and not many theaters used it.

So they couldn’t show the movie?

They could, just not the way he wanted it.

Now it looks like ripples in the water.

See how aged it looks? That’s why we have to get it on Bluray.

Is it on bluray?

Yes. I didn’t get it because it was before I had a bluray player.

That didn’t stop you from buying 3D movies before you had a 3D TV…

What’s that?  It looked like a tombstone.

It’s all abstract.  So…the question is why are you thinking of a tombstone?


The Nutcracker Suite

I thought you said he (the conductor) wasn’t there the whole time.

He’s not.

Well this is fun!  Tinkerbell!

That’s not Tinkerbell.

Pretty fairies.  With glitter.  I love glitter. This one’s so pretty…

Are the fairies gone?

I don’t remember.

I guess that baby mushroom is still cute.  It’s like a Chinese mushroom. Don’t they look like Chinese mushrooms?

I guess if there are Chinese mushrooms.

That’s cool.  It looks like they (flowers) are floating up but they are floating down.

It’s like a bride with lots of bridesmaids.

So, when I was little – that was when Fantasia came out on VHS for this time ever.

Did you get it?

No.  But a friend of mine did.

And you watched it at his house?

Her house.


I was in second grade.


But I went to the library after I watched it and I checked out the soundtrack for Fantasia on cassette tape.

In the second grade?

Yes.  And I listened to the whole thing.  And that’s when I started listening to classical music.

I didn’t know you listened to classical music.  You never told me that.

I don’t do it a lot.  But I still do on occasion.

What?  When?

Well – you wouldn’t listen to it with me.

What?!  I would!  I would listen to it with you!

Well then we will.

What else don’t I know about you?!

I shave my feet.

You do?!

No.   I was just saying that because of Raising Hope the other night.

Now, they look like those puppets from Pinocchio…those Russian ones.

See – I know these songs. (Whitney humming along)

I didn’t say you didn’t.  When did I say that?

You said I wouldn’t listen to this with you.  I like to do all the things you like to do because I like you.

People are going to get annoyed that we talk so much during this one but there’s no talking in the movie so…

Yep.  I know.


The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

I thought this was at the end.  But I was wrong.  It’s at the end of Fantasia 2000.

Now what’s interesting about this one is that there was a silent movie that the animators borrowed from a bit.

Was it animated as well?

No.  It was live action.  But I saw it once on TV.  It came out in the 20’s and it’s VERY similar to this.

Is this first time Mickey Mouse looked like this?

What do you mean?

Like he’s different than he first looked when Walt drew him.

Oh. Yes.  This might be the first time he had white for eyes.  I’m not sure.  I don’t remember.  Yes – the first time he had pupils.

Poor broom!  It didn’t mean to carry so much water!  (As Mickey chops the broom into pieces)

So violent.

He doesn’t need the hat? (the Sorcerer)

No. The Sorcerer’s name is Yen Sid.

Disney.  Backwards.

The Rite of Spring

Evolution is stupid. That’s impossible to imagine because it never happened like that.

It would have been much cooler to animate creation.  As an artist.  I feel like that would be more fun and interesting.

Green and white blobs.  Anyone could draw green and white blobs.  I could have worked on Fantasia…

It’s going to take a long time to get to the dinosaurs.


Rocks and lava turn into dinosaurs?

I don’t think that’s how they say it goes.

It’s stupid either way.

There we have it.  We all came from fish.

And dinosaurs.  We were really small and then really big and then kind of medium.

Loch ness monster.

Is this where the T-Rex comes?


Is he going to get that baby dinosaur?!


It’s like the Land Before Time.

I like that movie.

It’s too sad.

But it’s good.

Oh no!  He’s going to rip his head off!

No.  But he does lose.

All those other ones are just watching…

No more food dinosaurs.  Oh. Let the little guy get some water…

Then there were four…

It’s okay.  One day you guys will get to be in museums.

This segment is so long.

Is intermission after this?

I don’t know.

15 Minute Intermission (to be continued…)


Hello there.

So, I’m sorry if you were expecting another Disney movie commentary today. I will assure you that “Fantasia” has been commentated on. A lot. It doesn’t have any talking so we had to do all of it! 🙂 Anyway, it should be up here soon. That’s Aaron’s job.

For today it’s just me. (Whitney…not a hacker…)

Aaron and I are in the little city of Murfreesboro, TN, for a few days. Aaron was chosen to be a part of a children’s pastors network group a couple of years ago. He is being mentored by one of the best in the business (Jim Wideman) as well as hanging out with about 20 other children’s pastors from all over the country. He has a great time and learns so much. I get to tag along for a couple meals here and there. I mostly just get a little retreat for myself away from work and life in Raleigh…it’s quite nice for both of us!

So, after wandering around the mall and shops for awhile not spending too much money at all (I’m proud of myself!), I am here in the hotel room passing time and feeling weird not having any responsibilities for a couple days.

It’s so quiet. I am not the kind of person who likes to be by myself. When Aaron is gone, even if it’s just for a couple hours, I usually make sure I have something to do or else keep myself really busy at home cleaning or something.

But here I am in a hotel room that’s already clean. I walked around stores not buying things to my limit of enjoying it (like 2 hours and I’m done). I talked to my best friend for an hour. I talked to my mom for an hour.

So here I am. Just blogging and praying and listening to the air conditioner.

I figure one day…not anytime soon, mind you, and Lord willing…there will be babies crying and such and I will think to myself, “Remember when you had those two days in Tennessee all to yourself and you were bored? You were crazy!”